pp108 : Service Group Configuration Interface

Service Group Configuration Interface

This topic describes the Service Group configuration interface.




Provide the name of the Service Group.

Note: Do not provide multibyte characters in the names of MDM Publisher and MDM Service service groups.

Routing Algorithm

The routing algorithm that must be used while handling messages that are sent to this Service Group. The following algorithms are available by default.

  • Classic - Sends messages to the Service Containers under a Service Group randomly without checking their state.
  • Failover- This algorithm support failover as well as load balancing based on the routing algorithm selected.
    • Simple failover - Sends messages to the started Service Containers under a Service Group based on their preference.
    • Simple load balancing - Sends messages to the started Service Container under a Service Group randomly.

      Note: If you change the routing algorithm, you must ensure to restart all the Service Containers in that Service Group.

Request Validation

Validates the SOAP Request against a set of Schemas which include

  • SOAP Schema
  • Process Platform Header Schema
  • Schema in WSDL
    Validation can happen through following options:
  • Protocol - The request is validated against the SOAP & Process Platform Protocol Schemas.
  • Payload - The request is validated against the Schema in WSDL of the Process Platform Web service operation.
    Note: Request is validated by selecting either or both the options.

Payload Trim

Whitespaces in a SOAP request are considered significant and this may impact the custom application connectors with compatibility problems. Select this check box to trim all the whitespaces in a SOAP request. Note: This feature does not work together with SAML authentication as it can invalidate the cryptographic signature of the assertion. This feature is now deprecated.


Provide a meaningful description for the Service Group.

Web service Interfaces

Depending upon the application connector chosen, the corresponding Web service interfaces are displayed along with the Application Package or Organization, Connector name(Type), and the associated namespace details. You can attach other Web service Interfaces.



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